Introducing Fate Tactics - Be more playful with your Zones

Hey everyone!

I've been playing and running Fate RPG a lot more recently, and I intend to run more going forward.

Some people consider its mechanics too abstract, but for me it's the perfect sweet spot for getting a variety of cinematic action limited by your imagination alone! 

That said, the game could use some support for explosions, throwing mooks off a moving train, and summoning hordes of skeletons. Not specific support for those things, but abstract support that could incorporate all of the fantasies just mentioned and many more. So this document is my contribution back to the lovely Fate community - more cinematic zone-wide effects.

It’s free / pay what you can. And I have put all the text in it under CC0 license (public domain), so that anyone in the community can use the contents in their own work without worrying about attribution.

If you take the time to read it, I’d love to hear your feedback. The good thing with digital documents is that making revisions is never too difficult.


Fate Tactics - Quick Reference.pdf 37 kB
35 days ago
Fate Tactics - Fun With Zones.pdf 432 kB
25 days ago

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